這個 .net class 可以用HTML template file 產生出 HTML 格式的 Mail message,除了拿來寄mail外,也可以拿來產生HTML 套版結果,如果要用在非ASPX的專案(如WCF),需要參考下面的文章,動點小手腳。
"The owner parameter indicates which control is the parent of the MailDefinition control. It determines which directory to search for the text file specified in the BodyFileName property."
I found a solution. Using a class file (.cs) rather than an WebForm (.aspx page) I used MailDefinition successfully. The key was to create a control (System.Web.UI.Control) that referenced the .BodyFileName. So the code for this is: (where md is an instance of MailDefinition, and message is an instance of MailMessage)
Control control = new Control();
control.AppRelativeTemplateSourceDirectory = control.ResolveUrl(md.BodyFileName);
message = md.CreateMailMessage("", replacements, control);
Which works, but I haven't tested it on the Internet yet.