2009年1月15日 星期四

解決 Google Chrome 無法正常顯示 ASP.Net Menu 的問題

只要在Project 加上App_Browsers的Folder(如右圖),然後在該Folder內新增一個內容如下的Chrome.browser的檔案,Google Chrome以及Safari 就可以正常顯示ASP.Net的Menu Control 了


<browser refID="safari1plus">


<adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu" adapterType="" />




2009年1月12日 星期一

ILMerge(合併 .net 的 assemblies ) & DotNetZip


Brief Description
ILMerge is a utility for merging multiple .NET assemblies into a single .NET assembly. It works on executables and DLLs alike and comes with several options for controlling the processing and format of the output. See the accompanying documentation for details.

DotNetZip - Zip file manipulation in .NET languages

DotNetZip is a small, easy-to-use class library for manipulating .zip files. It can enable .NET applications written in VB.NET, C#, or any .NET language, to easily create, read, and update zip files. Zip Compression is easy with DotNetZip.

DotNetZip works on PCs with the full .NET Framework, and also runs on mobile devices that use the .NET Compact Framework. DotNetZip supports these scenarios:
- creating a zip archive, adding files or directories into the archive
- listing or extracting files from an existing archive
- modifying an existing archive - renaming entries, removing entries from an archive or adding new entries to an archive
- password protecting entries in the archive
- getting entry input from a file or a stream
- reading a zip file from a file or a stream
- extracting an entry into a file or a stream

2009年1月10日 星期六

International Components for Unicode 支援 BIG5 、CP937(EBCDIC 繁體中文) 互轉



Usage: uconv [ -h, -?, --help ] [ -V, --version ] [ -s, --silent ] [ -v, --verbo
se ] [ -l, --list | --list-code code | --default-code | -L, --list-transliterato
rs ] [ --canon ] [ -x transliteration ] [ --to-callback callback | -c ] [ --from
-callback callback | -i ] [ --callback callback ] [ --fallback | --no-fallback ]
[ -b, --block-size size ] [ -f, --from-code code ] [ -t, --to-code code ] [ --a
dd-signature ] [ --remove-signature ] [ -o, --output file ] [ file ... ]

Options: -h, --help print this message
-V, --version print the program version
-s, --silent suppress messages
-v, --verbose display progress information
-l, --list list all available encodings
--list-code code list only the given encoding
--default-code list only the default encoding
-L, --list-transliterators list all available transliterators
--canon print list in cnvrtrs.txt(5) format
-x transliteration run everything through transliteration
--to-callback callback use callback on destination encoding
-c omit invalid characters from the output
--from-callback callback use callback on original encoding
-i ignore invalid sequences in the input
--callback callback use callback on both encodings
-b, --block-size size read size bytes blocks (default: 4096)
--fallback use fallback mapping
--no-fallback do not use fallback mapping
-f, --from-code code set the original encoding
-t, --to-code code set the destination encoding
--add-signature add a U+FEFF Unicode signature character
--remove-signature remove a U+FEFF Unicode signature charac
ter (BOM)
-o, --output file write output to file

Callbacks: substitute skip stop escape escape-icu escape-java escape-c escape-xm
l escape-xml-hex escape-xml-dec escape-unicode

H:\temp\icu\icu\bin>uconv -f cp950 -t cp937 -o cp937.txt big5.txt

H:\temp\icu\icu\bin>uconv -t cp950 -f cp937 -o cp950.txt cp937.txt